Summer 2020 Young People Registration
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Dear CAW parents,
We know how important CAW is to you and your child. This relationship is one that we value very much, and in fact, is one of the many reasons we acted out of extreme caution to temporarily close CAW even as our spring term was about to start.
Still, our families have been asking for us to post our summer programs so that they can plan for the summer months.
We realize that planning for the summer is difficult in these days where the situation is so fluid, and we have temporarily closed CAW.
We are hopeful that the pandemic will have worked its course by the time our summer classes are slated to start in late June (and in fact, we hope to re-open for a portion of the spring term), and want to accommodate those parents who are planning ahead accordingly.
For those of you who wish to see what we have planned, providing that the situation with coronavirus stabilizes and we return to normalcy, please click here for the summer programs for Young People pages. You can even register your child for classes. If you do register, and have to cancel as we get closer to the summer months because of coronavirus-related concerns, please contact me at