Previous Demonstrations
Monotype Printmaking Without a Press
Barbara Harder
Want to know what making a print is all about? Barbara Harder, Head of CAW’s Printmaking department, will demonstrate how to create prints, even at your kitchen table, using safe and simple materials with transfer, stencil, layering, and textural techniques.
Price: Pay as you wish—we will provide a link during the event.
Age: 15 and up
Thursday, 1:00 pm-2:00 pm, 6/18/20
Dynamic Decoration and Form
Hayne Bayless
Hayne Bayless returns to the studio with CAW for a two-for-one demonstration: combining extruded clay forms and handles with slip-stenciled surface decoration to create pottery that is both functional and beautiful. To see samples of Hayne’s pottery beforehand, visit his website at
Price: Pay as you wish—we will provide a link during the event.
Tuesday, 1:00 pm-2:00 pm, 6/16/20
[POSTPONED] Making Connections: Soldering Demonstration
Phil Levine
Join CAW Sculpture Faculty, Phil Levine, for a soldering demo and a quick tour of his home metal studio. Watch as Phil demonstrates the basics of soldering and metal sculpture. When CAW reopens, you’ll be ready to get started in the Sculpture studio – making jewelry or metal sculptures!
Price: Pay as you wish—we will provide a link during the event.
Age: 18 and up
Tuesday, 7:00 pm-8:00 pm, 5/19/20
Hand-Building Pots and Trays
Charles Jones
Charles Jones, Head of the Pottery Department, will demonstrate techniques to make hand-built pots and small trays from slabs using simple tools students may have at home.
Materials: Just your attention! This is a demonstration.
Tuesday, April 7, 7:00 pm-8:00 pm